Saturday 16 July 2011

Quebec Wrap Up - Lanois / Cohen

Hello / Bonjour. I really hoped you enjoyed those three artists because I enjoyed finding the videos for you.  When deciding to do this blog I wanted to focus on more independent smaller artists that I really like that maybe you haven't heard before which is why when I came to Quebec I didn't speak about Daniel Lanois.  I heard of Daniel for the first time through my friend Kegger. I think its his favorite artist and when Lanois came out with his album Shine he couldn't get enough.  His latest album is almost reggae and shows a different side of him.  Lanois is also a famous producer who a number of U2's album including the famous Joshua Tree and most recently Neil Young's latest album, Le Noise. You might even know a Daniel Lanois song and you don't even know its him.  On Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds latest album he covered 2 lanois songs, The Maker and Still Water.   Although I am not in the point that I want to put cover songs on here (that time will come) I wanted you to compare the two versions and tell me which one you like more:



Or heck, how about Lanois, Nelson and EmmyLou Harris:

Here's another song you might not have known was Lanois' but it is a great song and great version (your welcome)

(Available in HD)

I guess while we are on the topic of Iconic musicians from Montreal I should mention perhaps the grandfather of the Montreal music scene, Mr Leonard Cohen. I am not going to talk too much about him because he is a legend and I would really insult anything he has done with my ramblings but all I am going to say is you should have his Live in London CD is your catalog and this is one of my favorite all time songs by any artist:

Ok I guess I was naive when I thought I could only put one Cohen song on this blog. Here is one of my favorite songs (yes I say that alot) but it has been covered by everyone from KD Lang, Damien Rice, Rufus Wainright, Bon Jovi, Sheryl Crow and my favorite (and one of the first)versions by Jeff Buckley:

Here's the original:

(Sorry for the ads but the version is too good to miss)

Ok I was going to write about a couple of other Montreal artists but how do you follow up those songs..You can't. Enjoy

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